I'm sure like always, you'll knock it out of the park. I'm sure you already know this but whenever working with egg whites it helps to wipe every utensil and bowl that you are going to use with either vinegar or lemon juice to be sure there isn't any residual oils that might deflate your whites. Good luck!!

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Thank you Ben! In my near old age I’ve become really nostalgic for those mandatory seders at my grandma’s house. If only I knew then how much I would miss them, I’d have paid closer attention to everything on the table! I don’t have a seder planned, but looking forward to trying out some of these AMAZING recipes!

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Same! My grandmother used to churn out ALL the food, by herself, from a small galley kitchen, for no fewer than 12-15 people. She did the same menu for high holidays too. She would first serve gefilte fish straight out of the jar, fancified on a piece of iceberg lettuce, with jarred red horseradish. She would coax me into taking a few bites. Then homemade matzoh ball soup. Then baked chicken, brisket, potatoes, tzimmes, green beans, and who knows what else. Dessert might be specific to my era (I’m 58), but as I recall it was unthinkable to try to bake. We always had Manischewitz (sp?) pound cake, and this other thing they sold; brownie mix that came with its’ own little disposable baking pan so that everything was kosher for Passover. The brownies were dense and awful, and came with a packet of sickly sweet thick chocolate frosting that I actually loved. Like you, I wish I had paid better attention; I wish I’d asked her more questions about everything, and I miss her every day of my life.

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Happy Passover Ben!

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Thanks for sharing your special traditions. I'm sure you will wow everyone with your seder!

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I’m not doing a Seder but I will definitely make charoset and eat it on matzoh for a snack. So good. And I love a Hillel sandwich; maybe I’ll motivate to make your horseradish recipe. Good Pesach! Enjoy it all.

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