
Btw this was a long update and in retrospect could have been 2-3 individual newsletters. Do you all prefer digest style like this or individual newsletters. I don’t want to overwhelm.

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Your substack is always a bright spot in my inbox- the more the better!

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I'm a reader and love all that is about food. One long one or 2 or 3 would be fine.. sorry not much help

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This is the first newsletter I got so I don't really care about the length. The writing was great and really enjoyed it. I'm just getting into cooking. Buying tickets to your show led me to try HelloFresh. I've been cooking with them for a while now. Now it's my turn to venture out on my own. Your input helps.

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Sorry about the three transcriptions!!!

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Big Bear Valley! I'm so jealous. I love your newsletter & I've become slightly more adventurous in my cooking, thanks to you. I also love your cookbook recommendations!

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Please try Julia's recipe. My first husband of 15 years was French and we both adored her soup. One of my biggest culinary regrets was throwing away my individual soup crocks with the handles. However... she has a version that you make in a big crock or lecreuset. It's in Julia Child's menu cookbook under "soup for supper". It's a great vintage cookbook with lots of challenging and some really easy ideas for entertaining. I love that she slips a little cognac underneath the cheese right before the broil. Sometimes French is the ONLY way. Francophiles unite!

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French Onion Soup tip, courtesy of my Aussie husband: add in some Vegemite, it's an absolute umami bomb and takes the soup to another level! I can't stand Vegemite on its own (which I guess means I'll never REALLY be Australian), but on other foods (like roast chicken!) it's a great addition.

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Everthing looks devine! Book marked the Cider-Braised Chicken and Onion Soup. Timing is perfect as I found 4 beautiful French Onion Soup bowls at a local thrift store here in Waterloo, Ontario. Not the typical brown with the fat handle but a gorgeous french white with two smaller handles. And who knew the Sherry would be missed (said with my best Ina voice) in this recipe haha

Thanks Ben : )

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