"proteins can't coast off a sauce's seasonings". No truer words were spoken! I love your newsletter and man, have you been cooking a lot. How DO you do it? I want to try the scallop recipe and as for snacking cake lifestyle, YES! ( tho I didn't know a waistline could be chagrined all on it's own.

Be sweet to yours- we all love it)

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Chilaquiles is my new fave too. I’ve been using store bought green medium enchilada sauce. Then I scramble the eggs because I’ve got a no runny eggs partner. It’s pretty easy. I’ve added old onions and leftover meat to the pan before the salsa too.

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Yum Yum!!! They all look so good! We make the Finnish version of a Dutch Baby called Pannukakku. I think I will make a corn version next time : )

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Finally bought Snacking Cakes on Monday!

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Once I saw Shrimp w herbs I was in like Flynn. The pastrami chicken sounds intriguing both great flavors. And the scallops...Great mix. Thanks Ben

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These dishes all sound devine, thank you! I'll be trying out the lemon golden cake and chilaqules, and report back.

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Jun 9, 2023·edited Jun 9, 2023

I make homemade tahini and add garlic, lemon, cumin, curry powder, paprika and a pinch of salt in a blender. All roasted vegetables taste amazing with it but the sweeter ones, like beets and carrots, really shine. Also amazing with roasted cauliflower, a tiny bit of feta, raisins and black sesame seeds, over brown rice or freekeh.

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you were born for corn! (sorry, i couldn't help it). these all look delicious and i just ordered snacking cakes.

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I’ve been on a tahini kick lately. Can’t wait to try the carrots and hot green tahini sauce. And will definitely be making the pastrami chicken.

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I'm loving this newsletter!!

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Can’t wait to try these!! Thanks for including some yummy veg options too ❤️

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