Way to face your whole-fish fears, Ben! I don’t even like to cook shrimp with the shells on so this is inspiring!

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It looks beautiful! I grew up in Rhode Island, and now that I think of it, my parents were pretty comfortable cooking whole fish or fileting a full raw fish. It's not a skill they passed down to me, though. Now I'm thinking i might try it.

Sandy would ask why you didn't cook branzino:-)

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delish! i love whole fried fish- im fr da islands and whole fried fish w white rice, shoyu and a vinegar pickle veg …. delightful! get that whole fish beeeen!!! 😘

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This looks delicious! Grilling a whole fish is super easy, Ben. Just put some very thinly sliced lemons, herbs and maybe sliced shallots in the cavity. Season and give it a glug of olive oil inside and out. The most important thing is that that your grill is hot and that you rub some oil on the grates right before putting the fish down. The idea is that you’re sort of “seasoning” the grill grates, as you would a cast iron pan. So get a paper towel, dunk it in oil and apply to the grates. Wait a few seconds, and repeat. Maybe once again. This should ensure your whole fish won’t stick. And if it sticks a little it just won’t look perfect. But it’ll still be tasty!

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Thank you for these tips!

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Alison Roman's whole fish recipe is a winner!

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You are such a talented writer - seriously your stories just come alive & I feel im right there with you (not in a creepy way!) on your Journey. Your Fish looks beautiful - all the dishes look great! Awesome work! 🙌😀 ❤️

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Okay, Sonja - explain exactly why I need a toaster oven?? (And yes, this looked like a wonderful, fun meal with friends.)

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It’s so much prettier than any other whole fish I’ve seen! Great job Ben! 🐟

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Thank you!

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