Yum!! Can’t wait to try these. A favorite chicken recipe of mine is Smitten Kitchen’s roast chicken and schmaltzy cabbage. It is so good and so easy! https://smittenkitchen.com/2020/04/roast-chicken-with-schmaltzy-cabbage/

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Looks undeniable!

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Eeek, love this post! 🍗 😋 🍗 I’ve been making the same bland chicken breasts for months and need a change STAT.

The first meal I had at my mother in law’s house was baked chicken and to this day, I’ve never had a chicken dish that was as good. I believe her secret is….10 sticks of butter 😂

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So happy to see a recipe from Sami Tamimi! I have been eyeing that cookbook for quite awhile...I think it will be on my little Christmas wishlist ! Great job Ben xo

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I can’t wait to try these!! My current go-to is this butter chicken recipe; so simple it feels like a cheat but it’s scrumptious. It calls for a cup of cream but I find it’s plenty rich with 1/4-1/2 cup depending on what else we’ve eaten that day lol.


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I had the pleasure of seeing Samin right before the pandemic and you are so right, that buttermilk chicken is everything. During the lockdown, I fell in love with this recipe. Beyond delicious


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